Compare and contrast the two country clusters ( Anglo and Asian Confucian) along the dimensions listed below.

Research Assignment
Adler, N., (2008) International dimensions of organizational behavior (5th ed.). Cincinnati, OH: South-Western College Publishing.

Daft, R.L. (2013). Organization theory and design (11th ed.). Cincinnati, Ohio: Cengage Learning.

Northouse, P.G. (2013). Leadership: Theory and practice. (6th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc


An American manager is being sent to China to run a US company’s overseas operations. The manager was raised in the US and has been managing for about 5 years in the States. There are many cultural influences that shapes how one leads and this manager’s leadership behaviors reflect the culture that she grew up in and were shaped by the American view on the factors listed in Part One below. But now she is going to China to manage in a different culture and deal with a workforce that may have different values, norms and expectations for her as a leader/manager. This paper has three parts

Part One: Compare and contrast the two country clusters ( Anglo and Asian Confucian) along the dimensions listed below. Compare and contrast means show how they are alike and or different.

Power distance

Uncertainty Avoidance

Gender Egalitarianism

In Group Collectivism

Future Orientation

Part Two:

List at least five norms for conducting business in China which our manager must be aware of and may influence how they lead.

Part Three:

Taking the findings from parts one and two, decide how this manager would have to lead in this new cultural context. What worked for her in terms of leading and managing in the US may or may not work for her in China. How would a leader have to adapt to this new cultural situation and expectations?

In this part of the paper let her know what is expected of her given your findings from parts one and two above. What does a good leader look like in China as compared to the US.


This is a research paper and you need to cite a minimum of 6 primary and or secondary sources outside or your textbooks.. Integrate findings from The Hofstede site, Adler’s and Northouse’s text as well into your paper.

Do not google your references. You should use the UMUC databases. If you use a web site please provide a brief explanation of why this site is appropriate, credible and current as a source.

Limit your paper to 10 pages.

Cover sheet

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